Did Someone Say Summer School?
Temperatures are dropping. Snow is falling. Could it be that time of the year again? Yep, you guessed it. Time to think about Summer...

To Speak or Not To Speak (at a CSE meeting), That is the Question
Parents often ask me how much they should disclose at Committee on Special Education (CSE) meetings. Should they “play it close to the...

“?!?*# Buses”
Much as you can count on Autumn in New York City to bring colorful leaves and earlier and earlier Halloween decorations in stores (wait,...

Supreme Court Decision adopts "APPROPRIATELY AMBITIOUS" Standard for Educational Benefit
In a unanimous opinion today, the Supreme Court held that “to meet its substantive obligation under the IDEA [Individuals with...
What the Heck is Educational Benefit???!!!
Parents often ask me how much progress their children with disabilities are "expected" to make for Districts to be compliant with FAPE...
Dealing with Disciplinary Issues in School
Code of Student Conduct There is an important issue that is coming up more and more in schools today. This is the issue of school...